Donate for Schools

Education means dignity and life. Help build a future for children in rural India.

The Ekal Vidyalaya operates a village school at a cost of £365 a year. Ekal is able to maintain schools at such a low cost because it works with a low overhead and is supported by local villagers who work shoulder to shoulder with Ekal.

Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation will not use donor information for any commercial purpose or distribute to any commercial entity. It will be strictly used to communicate with the donor about Ekal activities in India where Ekal schools are operated. Ekal will make every effort to keep the identity of the donor anonymous should the donor request either by choosing anonymous on the online form.

A £365 contribution can support a School with 30 children for an entire year!

Supports 1 School + 1 Teacher

Help educate 30 children

Positive impact on 30 families