Ekal Abhiyan is a movement which is driven by many organizations to achieve the common objective of holistic development of Rural & Tribal India. At present all organizations work in synergy under an umbrella organization called as Ekal Abhiyan Trust to make it one of the largest grass-root movement driven by volunteers.
Friends of Tribals Society (FTS), a non-government, voluntary organization is committed to the upliftment of tribals and other deprived populations in rural India, by providing basic education to their children and giving the villagers health care education, development education and empowerment education.
The Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation is tax exempt, registered non-profit service organization dedicated to education and village development in rural India. Ekal's philosophy is to take a holistic approach to social and economic development
An organisation to spread Ekal ideology and model to all corners of globe, by setting up, promoting and strengthening Chapters in various countries, specially where Diaspora resides to keep them linked to Bharat and raise ideas and resources for growth of Ekal Abhiyan.
Bharat Lok Shiksha Parishad (BLSP) was founded & registered on 3.3.2000 by a group of persons comprising Shri Laxmi Goel, Shri Subhash Aggrawal, Late Shri Roshan Lal Aggrawal, Shri Omkar Bhave, Shri Om Prakash Singhal and Shri Sat Narain Bandhu with a vision to bring an all round...
The Society strives to inculcate sense of pride for traditional culture and heritage, moral values, civic responsibilities and eradicating certain social evils like addiction to liquor and tobacco, divisive tendencies on lines of caste etc.
354 million indians live below poverty line, in some areas aorse than in Africa (UNDP, 2010; World Bank, 2005). One out of every three malnourished child in the world is an indian (UNICEF, 2012) and india has high rates of women suffering from anemia (WHO, 2008).
Arogya Foundation of India is a member in Ekal Family which looks after Integrated and overall health-care activity. Ekal Vidyalaya Movement has taken distinctive approach in bringing non formal education to the door-steps of villages, where children are offered supportive education.
Ekal Sansthan's, mission is to bring forward the ideas, which can change the landscape of rural and tribal development in India. The seminar was a part of the efforts of Ekal Sansthan to enlighten people about the success story of 25 years of Ekal Vidyalaya Movement that has its presence in nearly 60,000 villages across India.
With the sole purpose of making Ekal a self-reliant, lively movement of general masses, particularly across villages of India, in 2018 all the State Voluntary Organizations (SVOs) created earlier, were merged/transformed into a single organisation called Ekal Gram Sangathan in the form of a registered society under Society Act 1860. EGS undertakes field operations to inculcate ownership among local communities, and raises resources from villages and towns.