Raised of $10,000 Goal
104 Days left
Campaign Start: April 30, 2022
Campaign Close: April 30, 2025
Urbana Stemm Student Volunteers
We are a group of middle and high schooler students and want to teach and share our experience with the elementary and middle schoolers and provide them with skills necessary to succeed in future endeavors [Math, Science, Technology related advance knowledge, social and emotional skills] Here is a link to our resumes. Currently, we are active in Maryland but would like to reach out to students in other parts of the USA and India. We would love to share our experience with the student teachers in remote places in India and are willing to educate and train them in STEMM field. Our vision is that these trained students will serve the local population in their villages and cities.
"Our mission is to create an environment where students can express their leadership and bring the best out of themselves and their juniors".
"All proceeds from this campaign will be used to promote the Urbana EKAL youth chapter activities for the benefit of local communities in the USA".