Donate for Schools

Education means dignity and life. Help build a future for children in rural India.

Less than $10 a week for the bright future we seek!
The Ekal Vidyalaya operates a village school at a cost of $500 USD a year. Ekal is able to maintain schools at such a low cost because it works with a low overhead and is supported by local villagers who work shoulder to shoulder with Ekal.

Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of USA is a 501 (c) (3) Tax-Exempt organization. Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.

Donate online via the form below, or donate offline with a check in favour of
Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of USA and mail to:
Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of USA
P.O. Box 821369, Houston, TX 77282-1369.

A $500 USD contribution can support a School with 30 children for an entire year!

Supports 1 School + 1 Teacher

Help educate 30 children

Positive impact on 30 families