Donate for Projects

With a robust presence spanning 100,000 villages and tribal regions, Ekal is steadfastly advancing its mission to foster holistic village development, aiming to bridge the gap between rural and urban areas. Our multifaceted approach encompasses education, healthcare, and employment opportunities, working towards achieving economies of scale and ensuring sustainable progress for these communities.

Step 1

Select project(s) you would like to support

Ekal Healthcare
$15,000 supports 30 villages for a year
Ekal Computer Training Labs
$30,000 supports one new lab
Ekal Tailoring Center
$30,000 supports a one new tailoring center
Ekal Telemedicine
$50,000 supports 30 villages for 3 years
Ekal on Wheels
$80,000 supports a new mobile computer lab
Integrated Village Development
$250,000 supports 30 villages over 5 years